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Monday, 13 May 2013


Reishi Mushroom Healing!

Reishi Mushroom

You can prevent a variety of ailments by making reishi mushroom, an Asian mushroom with incredible health benefits, part of your diet. Called Ling Zhi in China, the reishi mushroom has been an important medicinal plant for Asians for millennia.

Where does Reishi grow?

In the wild, it grows upon rotting plum trees and occasionally on oak too. Reishi grows in damp, sunless mountain areas and was once a rare commodity.

Side effects of Reishi

The side effects experienced by eating the Reishi mushroom are generally rare, but they can include dry mouth, nausea, upset stomach, diarrhoea, skin rashes and nosebleeds. If any of these symptoms arise, reduce the quantity of mushroom consumed or stop eating it altogether.

The University of Haifa says the reishi mushroom gives hope that a medication will be developed from it that could fight prostate cancer. This is just one in a long list of health benefits this mushroom offers. It is believed to lower LDL or bad cholesterol, cure headache, stomach ache and backache. It is also effective in treating asthma, influenza and common cold.

An article taken from The Hindu Daily Newspaper July 31, 2010.


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Author: Dr. Salahuddin